How to get a CPS case dismissed in Pennsylvania?

Last Updated on March 29, 2023

With the appeals procedure, you can get a case dismissed in Pennsylvania.

Getting the case dismissed from the CPs in a legal way is your right. Any parents who face the CPS allegation should be aware of their parental rights and the process for getting the case dismissed. Here we will try to show what you will have to do to get a CPS case dismissed.

CPS Case Dismissed Procedure in Pennsylvania

After receiving the letter, be prepared to make an appeal. We suggest you take the attorney’s advice. It is better if you move with your attorney through all of the procedures. Then, there will be little chance of making any mistakes.

You have the right to appeal. According to the title of 55 Pa. Code Section 3490.106a,  the person has the right to appeal the Department’s decision to list the person in the abuse registry.

Another statute, 23 Pa. Code Section 6341, also permits the alleged man to request an administrative review or appeal of a finding of child abuse.

According to the first statute, the person is to move within 30 days of receiving the notice, and the second statute states that he should move within 90 days of receiving the notice.

After making the requests for the appeal, the department will fix the date for the hearing and will notify him to come with the witness and evidence.

Some Additional Tips:

-Try for a settlement and close the case before it goes to court.
-Know the latest state and federal laws.
-Try to investigate yourself and collect all the evidence.
-Communicate regularly with your lawyer.

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